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What is Ambien?

Ambien is a Nonbarbiturate Hypnotic drug, and it's used to treat insomnia or other sleep disorders. Because Ambien is a scheduled IV medication you can only purchase it with a prescription from a doctor at a nearby chemist shop or order Ambien Online. Ambien comes in many forms: oral tablets, oral sprays, extended-release tablets and sublingual tablets.

How do I take Ambien?

Your doctor should recommend that you start your treatment at the lowest possible dose. Then, your doctor will gradually increase your dosage based on your medical condition. Your doctor will need to examine you in order to determine the best dosage. The following factors will be considered when your doctor prescribes Ambien dosages:

  • Your age

  • Your weight

  • Your medical condition

  • You may also have other health conditions

  • How do you react to the first dose?

Ambien should only be taken as directed by your doctor. Follow all instructions on your prescription. If you don't notice any improvement in your condition, please stop using it more than prescribed. Avoid medical mistakes and be consistent with your treatment.

These are the most common Ambien dosages that your doctor may prescribe:

Dosage to treat insomnia

Oral tablets


Ambien is usually taken once daily by patients over 65 years old, and at night before going to sleep. If your doctor feels it is necessary, he may adjust the dose.

  • For adults aged 18 years and older but under 65 years old

Your doctor will start your treatment by giving you 5 mg to 10mg of medicine for female patients and 5 mg to 10mg for male patients. You should take this medication once per day at night before going to bed. Your health condition may require you to adjust the medicine dosage.


Ambien is not recommended for patients younger than 18 years.

Extended-release tablets


Ambien extended-release tablets 6.5 mg once daily, before going to bed at night.

  • For adults aged 18 years and older but under 65 years old

Your doctor will start your treatment by giving you 6.5 mg to 12.5m (for female patients) and once per day (for male patients). Your health condition may require you to adjust the medicine dosage.


Ambien is not recommended for patients younger than 18 years of age.

Ambien tablets should be stored at room temperature away from heat, light and moisture. Ambien tablets should not be given to children as they could misuse them. Talk to a pharmacist or chemist near you about how to dispose of any medicine that has expired after you have completed your treatment.

What should you know before you take Ambien?

Before you use Ambien, it is important to follow these steps:

  • Only take medicine if your doctor has prescribed it.

  • Ambien has not been approved by the Health Authorities for patients under 18 years.

  • It is illegal to sell or buy Ambien without a prescription.

  • Ambien long-term can lead to dependence on the medication.

  • Ambien abuse, misuse, and addiction can all lead to serious health problems.

  • If you have an allergy to Ambien or any of its components, or similar medications, please do not use it.

  • If you have ever suffered from any of the following conditions, your doctor may not approve Ambien.

    • Depression

    • Mental illness and other behavior disorders

    • History of addiction to drugs and alcohol

    • Lungs infections

    • Breathing difficulties

    • Sleep apnea is a condition where breathing stops while you sleep.

    • Liver damage

    • Kidney disease

  • This medication should not be used in the final trimester of pregnancy as it can cause breathing problems for the newborn and make the baby dependent and drowsy.

  • Ambien may not be safe for breastfeeding.

  • Regular medical checkups are recommended by your doctor. Remember that Ambien is just one part of your treatment. Follow your doctor's instructions to make Ambien work better.

  • Do not abruptly stop or start taking medicine. You may experience rebound symptoms or withdrawal.

  • If you don't have a regular sleeping schedule (7 to 8 hours), avoid taking Ambien.

  • Tell your doctor about any medications you're currently taking.

  • Ambien is best used with caution.

  • Ambien can make you feel dizzy or uneasy. Please consult your doctor if you have any questions.

  • You can call the poison helpline at 1-800-222-1222 if you have Ambien overdose.

  • Discuss with your doctor all precautions you should take when taking Ambien.

  • Consult your doctor for more information about Ambien's risks and benefits.

What are the benefits of Ambien?

Ambien can be prescribed by your doctor to help with sleeping disorders (insomnia).

What side effects can Ambien cause?

These mild side effects may occur when you use Ambien:

  • Headache

  • Drooling or dizziness

  • Diarrhea

  • Dry mouth

  • Pain in the chest

  • Palpitations (fast, irregular or rapid heart beat)

  • Grogginess

  • Lightheadedness

  • Muscle pain

These side effects may be acceptable and will subside over time. If you feel that these side effects are getting worse, please consult your doctor immediately. If this happens, you should consult your doctor immediately and seek medical assistance. Tell your doctor immediately if you feel the need to stop taking medication.

  • Depression

  • Mood swings

  • Self-destructive and self-destructive behavior

  • Reactions and thinking that are impaired

  • Energy deficiency

  • Concentration problems

  • Agitation

  • Hallucinations

  • It is difficult to remember things

  • Breathlessness

  • Slow, or shouldowed breathing

  • Tiredness

  • A decrease in oxygen levels in the blood

How does Ambien work?

Ambienis a nonbenzodiazepine Z-drug that acts as a sedative/hypnotic. Ambienis a GABA-receptor agonist from the imidazopyridine family. Ambien increases GABA effects in central nervous system through simultaneous binding to GABA receptors and benzodiazepines.

What should you avoid when using Ambien

Ambien should not be taken if you have consumed alcohol during the day or before bed. Ambien can impair your ability to think and react. Avoid driving or engaging in other activities that require alertness and attention. Traveling with Ambien is a bad idea. You can purchase Ambien online from a licensed online pharmacy.

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